Report a Prominence Poker Bug

What platform do you play on?

I play ranked tournaments on Xbox daily and have never received this message.
T ry rhis
Uninstall PP from Your platform, power off your platform, wait 10 sec, Powep on the platform and re-install PP.
If this fails to fix. contact PipeWorks

Yeah I have a problem I was playing poker and decided to go play another game so I did but Upon returning to the prominence poker itā€™s saying my game is locked for a year canā€™t play it at all now I reached out to the j a g e x Corporation but they donā€™t tell me what I did wrong I donā€™t know what I did wrong let me know so I donā€™t ever do it again but you guys donā€™t let me know keep saying Ula thing but Iā€™ve read over it and Iā€™ve done nothing in there that would warrant a year ban from the game please let me play cards again on my account it ainā€™t right that you locked it for a year Iā€™d like and appreciate if youā€™d unlock it now thank you


taps mic ā€¦anyone still out there?

Foolish bug, but the xbox secret achievement involving your persona is not marking completeā€¦

This bug report is unmonitored and I will be unable to provide more information (but what more do you need?) Please fix it.

I have exactly the same issue. Finally find a poker game I like. Started playing this week and now for no apparent reason Iā€™m blocked for 1 YEAR??? Wtf???

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My gamertag is Blakesussman i have 2 playstions 1 is a 5 thats mine the other is a 4 pro thats my sons please let me play poker again i dont even know why yall took it from me ive paid fir allmost all e.motes and almost all bundles how come everything is locked except the purchase emotes and bundles area of the play store i might actually buy a bundle or 3 if i could actually play the game please let me play again i already pay for ps premium on top of all the add ons i putchase regularly.