Ineffective BOOST after Nov. Update

I have played Prominence Poker with family and friends since 2016. We are all novice poker players; our levels range from 31 to 779, and we play twenty-thousand-dollar tables. I purchase a BOOST every few months to help me earn REPS to get AFFILIATION items. I have 13 million dollars.

I am disappointed with the new update:
(1) I purchased a BOOST to earn REPS to get Affiliation items. After the update, 100% BOOST works for me at high-value tables ($1 million or more) and tournaments (that last for hours).
(2) I play poker with family and friends who are at different levels (31 up to 779), and we all earned REPS at approximately the rate. After the update, if I play at a $10K table with my friends, we all get different amounts of REPS based on our bankroll. I get 0% REPS, but some players get 220% REPS. This is unfair, considering I paid for a month’s BOOST and was not notified of the Nov. Update changes to BOOST and REPS.

If prominence poker wants to change how people earn REPS, that is fine. However, I feel that I am being cheated out of my BOOST. I want a refund for the 27 days BOOST days I have remaining.

Does anyone know how I can get my refund?


I agree with Tesa. Bring back the old way. I buy monthly boosts and now it does me no good. I play 1000 and 5000 dollar tables so i get no rep. I cant level up either. Ive been playing since 2019. Please bring back old way. Id like a refund as well.


I agree :100: this last update was an attempt to fix a problem that didnt matter. The sale of BOOST had to take a hit with the loot case FIX and this will will put a fork in it. I was a huge supporter of the direction you were headed and the hands on approach yiu were taking. Just look at all the post take a deep breath all change is not good. You shot yourself in the foot with this REP FIX. Your going to lose loyal PP folks by throwing out the baby with the bath water. FIX this FIX is my humble opinon

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I used to play daily. I sort of logged in today but the play just feels off so I left. Removing XP zapped a lot of fun from it for some reason.

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