What are the number of current players

I’ve noticed since the beginning of this season that it is taking 30 to 45 minutes to get a gold table. I’ve never waited that long for a gold table ( with a couple of exceptions), but certainly not routinely. Maybe we’ve lost plauers due to a lack of new items or because of the fact you are forced to play at tables you dislike. Not sure.

look at the leaderboard. Currently on Xbox there are less than 100 gold players worldwide, factor in time zones and yes it takes a while to get a game started

Thanks. I guess what I meant to ask was if the number has dropped significantly in the last month. I’ve never waited for a gold or silver table, at the beginning of a season, for more than 5-10 minutes.

On the PC it takes 30 minutes to 6 hours. It is often longer, but there are fewer players here too. You can’t always influence that. There are times like that.

I flipped all the way through and the leaderboard ends at 3,172 players. But only rating up to 1,038. I guess they don’t list bronze players. This kind of shocked me because I see the same players over and over again, and I guess that skews my perspective. I honestly didn’t think there would be that many players. This is on PS.

Last month you were claiming to be ranked diamond and playing torments. this month nobody is above bronze. How can this be??
I eagerly await to hear what your next conspiracy theory will be.

I have no theory. Was curious how many players there are. And, learn to read. All of the players in the leaderboard are ABOVE bronze. I even stated bronze doesn’t appear to be listed. Which means there are even more players than on the leaderboard… BTW I made an accurate claim as I am in Plat now headed for diamond AGAIN. It never ceases to amaze me that I can start a completely innocuous conversation out of nothing more than curiosity and some mean-spirited halfwit who is looking to argue about something claims I’M the one with some kind of “conspiracy theory.”

I’m also extremely curious about how many players are on here vs the VR2 poker. And, I’m also curious about total number of players combined from all platforms. I guess curiosity is now considered conspiracy? LOL