Change My Rating

How do you charge your rank? It says I’ve got to up my :heart: rank, but not sure how.

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what are you trying to do when you receive this message? What is your current rank?

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I think it’s about you’re ready to rank up in your Affiliation. You can do so if you go from the main menu to Persona > Affiliation. There you can rank up in exchange for few chips, and you can even change your affiliation and rank them up as well by playing the game! If you’re ready to rank up, but you didn’t, then all of your gained exp is wasted until you rank up. Hope this helps.


Epyxoid is correct follow his instructions and congratulations have fun

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Yeah my heart’s affiliation says I’m at max on rank 1, went to affiliation, don’t see where to rank up. I’m at lwv l 21 and rank 1 in solo mode, I defeated bosses and henchmen in all but spades. Says I maxed rep points and need to rank up

There should be a button around here:

all my affiliations are maxed out rank 5 help

If you maxed out all the affiliations then you’re done. Congrats! Start an alt ; )

all my affiliations are rank 5

Well that’s kind of dismissal for us on console. You (could) loose data for multiple games. I’m just about to hit 260 in a straight run through the Clubs. Do you stop earning rep if you don’t change affiliation?:sob:

No, It;s just slower.

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{delete post} 20 chars min. required {delete post}

YEeah, so I’m a level 5 in Clubs, but can 't advance anymore, but show I am at level 65 within Rank 5 with no advanCing rewards. however, I am only level 4 in Hearts, with no levels within it and cannot advance. So something isn’t quite right with that.