I would like to see the Russian outfits removed and and support are Ukrainian neighbors
I would strongly agree with the removal of anything associated with Russia!
You’re really going to forsake an entire country and all it inhabitants because the current leader decided to start a war?
You might as well say: “Let’s remove them from the History books! Let’s take them off of all Globes and Maps! Let’s discriminately target people because of their race, nationality, religion, gender, favorite color!”.
It was bad when Hitler did it, but because a country’s leader did something bad, it’s all of it’s citizens’ faults, right?
I feel sorry for the normal people living in Russia right now. Because of this, their economy is crashing and lives are being ruined. Say what you want about their leader, but remember the innocent people caught in the middle.
Apparently 92% of the Russian population are strongly against the invasion. You can’t blame the people…just the leaders/politicians. It’s wrong to “cancel” a whole culture/nationality just to make you “feel a bit better”. This whole cancel culture thing has gotten totally out of hand and it’s just plain childish/immature.
That’s irrational. Please take your politics to a different board. This is a Prominence Poker forum.
We’ve since found out that those outfits are actually Ukrainian anyway